It’s Almost Saturday!!!

Well, my book signing is on Saturday. I must admit that I am very tired. Trying to make it all that I can. We are really going to have a good time. I hope and pray you all come out and join us. If you haven’t ordered The Girl That Glows part 1 please go to

I promise you that it’s worth it!!

Does It Ever Get Any Easier?

Hello there friends. I ask that question, because it seems so easy for me to sink in a depression hole. I know that it’s not of God. I continue to cast it down, but it continues to creep up.I am hoping that someone, somewhere can give me some pointers, and I will end turn give them to someone else. One thing that I have learned from this journey is that this is not a me thing. It is a we thing.

For those of you who haven’t already ordered my book. Please go to

Let’s help someone who can’t help themselves. We can all begin the process by starting with the man in the mirror.